If ever there are two things that do not go together, its wind instruments and hardcore. At least i thought so until i witnessed San Fransisco band, Death Sentence: Panda! They are a three piece made up of heavily effected flutes, clarinets or saxophones, brutal math laden drums and occasional keyboard noise.
Their singer (comparisons suck, sorry) reminds me of a fusion of Poly Styrene from X Ray Spex and Molly Seigal from Ponytail with her a-tonal screams riding high above the mix. The sound created is hypnotizing. During the show i was lucky enough to witness, they finished a song and the crowd were silent, not due to dislike, more-so due to being mesmerized, and having their brains melted.
Its groups like this that give me hope for the future of music. Musicians not restrained by the industry of music training based solely in the blues/rock genre. Musicians trying as hard as they can to fuck with your head. Death Sentence: Panda! = Me happy.
Check their blog here
Check their myspace here