1. How and/or why did you get involved with college radio?
The truth is, I'm a stowaway. Considering radio's not my major, I'm technically not supposed to be anywhere near this station's controls, and yet I've smuggled my way in! Music is a passion. Being both a musician and a self-proclaimed rock snob, I have always been chin-deep in the new music scene. Being an MD and being to then get on-air and share all this amazing but widely-unknown music to the world is an incredible opportunity.
2. Name five bands you are currently in to at the moment.
Albert Hammond, Jr.
The Hold Steady
Honnorable Mention: U2 - exclusively War and The Joshua Tree albums.

3. What kind of show do you do? When is it on? How can people listen to your show (do you stream online, frequency, etc.?)
Tuesday nights from 10-1 (CST) are "New Music Tuesdays", where I play the best of what we've gotten in the past month! Wednesday nights at the same time I do an amazing Modern Rock show, blending the foundations of the underground rock scene (bands like The Libertines and
Sugarcubes) with just about everything notable that has founds its way onto the scene since!
KTCU streams LIVE 24/7 at http://www.ktcu.tcu.edu/
Our site is newly re-designed and you can see our Top 5 CMJ album plays on the front page! I also do a periodical album review for the site as well!
4. How does your station help the community?
Our largest current service to the community is our weekly community callednar, where we broadcast for free announcements from people and organizations throughout the Fort Worth community. We are also transitioning to a complete local charity focus with our PSAs, which are produced by our DJs and play frequently on-air. We also provide our production facilities and talents to the needs of the community.
We are currently searching for a local charity to partner with exclusively next semester and hold fund raisers and activities to raise money for that cause.
5. Can you give some advice to other MD's out there?
Believe in the rule of second chances!
The joy of our job is that we listen to a lot of music! The downside to our job is that we listen to a
LOT of music. It's easy to lose objectivity. Set aside albums to revisit.
Also, your DJs and your listeners are the two most important parts of your station. Listen to what they have to say, it'll make them happy. But also don't be afraid to say no.
That's it. More from SIS next week, plus look for a profile on WKRP.
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