1. How and/or why did you get involved with college radio?
I originally got into the station because I was into this girl, but then I started listening to the music. At the time, there was very little rock and we were known as a predominantly hip hop/ R&B station. I started out listening to mostly loud rock and then when the indie person left, I took over and expanded my musical tastes.
2. Name five bands you are currently in to at the moment.
Now I am listening to much lighter stuff. Right now, I'm really liking:
Peter, Bjorn and John Writer's Block
Decembrists The Crane Wife
The View Hats off To The Buskers
Busdriver Roadkill Overcoat
Lily Allen Alright, Still
3. What kind of show do you do? When is it on? How can people listen to your show (do you stream online, frequency, etc.?)
We have a very low frequency. Basically we can be heard only in the college, but we also stream online at www.wbmbradio.com. I don’t have a show anymore because I need to focus a bit more on schoolwork, but our general “Rock Block” is from 2-6. That is all the time that is allotted for CMJ type music.

[Dima is on the left]
4. How does your station help the community?
We help by providing music other than commercial radio music. We don't really get a lot of support from the administration and the students here are all business, and some of them kind of suck. We also try to go outside the college as much as possible, hooking up with other radio station.
5. Can you give some advice to other MD's out there?
My advice would be to not take on too many projects at the same time. Do one or two things at a time and keep in contact with your music contacts. Maintain a good relationship with them, because college is only four years...we'll at least four years. Finally, you’re the Music Director and you direct the music, other than DJs that do specialty shows and get their own music, so you have the influence. Don't let anyone tell you that your taste in music sucks! Oh yeah, GOOD LUCK!!!
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