Now read on to see Destruct-a-thon frontman Duncan Wilder Johnson answer the same five questions Stranded In Stereo always asks local bands.
Hailing from Boston, makes us better than all those non-Boston bands because
Okay, going for honesty here: I don’t think that being from Boston makes us “better” but I would say it makes our skin a lot thicker. Boston is an intense place with a deep history in local music and punk rock. When we play other places, I notice that we’re the most energetic band on the bill, the most relentless band on the bill, and often the heaviest band on the bill. People in New England like their rock LOUD and people in Boston are a tough crowd. So, if you don’t “bring it”, you’re not going to last too long around here. That being said, Boston is where we cut our teeth, so when we play other towns people’s jaws drop because they see that we’re not fucking around.

Clutch, The Sword, and Shat
Your favorite Boston venue to perform in is
This is like asking which of your kids do you like the best? We built our following playing O’Briens (so hats off to those guys), but I have to say I like playing The Middle East and Great Scott’s a lot too. We’re making our debut at Church this summer and I’m looking forward to that. Other than that, I’m dying to do an all ages punk show at The Papercut Zine Library or The Elks Lodge.
Are there any genres that influence your music conceptually, rather than sonically? (In that you can’t hear from simply listening to the music, but from getting into the structure or mathematics of the song-writing, etc.)
I’m not sure that I understand the question, but if you’re asking me what inspires me in regards to our music other than other music then I’d have to say Visual Art. I went to Art school. I have an insatiable love for photography. I read. I see films (especially political documentaries). When I write the lyrics for a Destruct-a-thon song, I tend to write about what’s upsetting me in my life: people dying, general frustrations, relationships ending, and corrupt government shenanigans.
Your favorite local bar to hit up when not doing the whole band deal is
The Model or The Middle East. The Model is an evening place (often after shows) and I go to The Middle East earlier in the day on weekends to get food, drink a beer, and write crap.
[Myspace] http://www.myspace.com/destructathon
[Mp3] Aloha Jihad
Catch them live: Friday May 2, at the Middle East Upstairs with We're All Gonna Die, 26 Beers and Official
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