Some are reminded of the cookie-cutter pop-punk band with witty lyrics about relationships that released their debut album Your Favourite Weapon in 2001. Many others think of Deja Entendu, the album that nearly every college student circa 2003-2004 (myself included) knew the lyrics to by heart and would sing drunkenly at parties. But moreso even than that, when I think of Brand New, I am immediately reminded of the raw, dark, and powerful emotion of 2006's The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me, which is in my opinion their crowning acheivement to date. Yet although Brand New has been one of my favorite bands to come out of this decade, somehow their live show has always escaped me. That will all change this Saturday, when they grace the main stage at Lollapalooza. Come find me and sing along to "Okay, I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Don't", "Sowing Season", and more.
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