Today we bring in our second round of Top 10's sent in by you, faithful readers. While we find more of the same, we also see our first apperances from bands that I .... haven't even heard of. It's true, I never heard of every band, ever. Tim, really - what the hell is a Bar Kokhba Sextet? Either way, I'm happy to have people send their lists in and perhaps even turn us all on to a few new bands. Nothing wrong with that. Also, thanks to Ben Grimes of The Golden Republic/Soft Reeds fame - if you don't give the world a Soft Reeds record in 2009 ......
Tim Bugbee, Tinnitus Photography
1. Mogwai / The Hawk is Howling / Matador
2. James Blackshaw / Litany of Echoes / Tompkins Square
3. Grails / Doomsdayer’s Holiday/Take Refuge in Clean Living / Temporary Residence
4. Dungen / 4 / Kemado
5. Bar Kokhba Sextet / Lucifer Book of Angels Vol. 10 / Tzadik
6. Religious Knives / Resin / No Fun
7. Drive-By Truckers / Brighter Than Creation’s Dark / New West
8. Endless Boogie / Focus Level / No Quarter
9. Ulaan Khol / I / Soft Abuse
10. Baby Charles / Baby Charles / Record Kicks
10a. Barn Owl / Raft of Serpents / Root Strata
Ashley Fruscella, Recent College Grad
1. Kings of Leon / Only by the Night / RCA
2. Foals / Antidotes / Sub Pop
3. Does It Offend You, Yeah? / You Have No Idea What You’re Getting Yourself Into / Virgin
4. My Morning Jacket / Evil Urges / ATO
5. MGMT / Oracular Spectacular / Sony/Columbia
6. Vampire Weekend / Vampire Weekend / XL
7. Nine Inch Nails / The Slip / The Null Corporation
8. Thrice / The Alchemy Index, Vol 3 & 4: Air & Earth / Vagrant
9. Coldplay / Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends / Capitol
10. Portugal. The Man / Censored Colors / Approaching AIRBalloons
Ben Grimes, Soft Reeds
1. Hercules and Love Affair / Hercules and Love Affair / DFA
2. Quiet Village / Silent Movie /K!7
3. Santogold / Santogold / Downtown
4. Fleet Foxes / Fleet Foxes / Sub Pop
5. Nico Mulhy / Mothertongue /Brassland
6. Portishead / Third / Island
7. Lil Wayne / Tha Carter III / Cash Money/Universal
8. Magnetic Fields / Distortion / Nonesuch
9. Lykke Li / Youth Novels / Atlantic
10. Flight of the Conchords / Flight of the Conchords / Sub Pop
[and a special mention to the most overrated, over-hyped album of the
year, and maybe the millennium so far: Vampire Weekend]
Michelle Martin, Planetary Co-Op
1. Jenny Lewis / Acid Tongue / Warner Bros
2. My Morning Jacket / Evil Urges / ATO
3. Fleet Foxes / Fleet Foxes / Sub Pop
4. Cat Power / Jukebox / Matador
5. Dr. Dog / Fate / Park The Van
6. Conor Oberst / Conor Oberst / Merge
7. Death Cab For Cutie / Narrow Stairs / Atlantic
8. Lykke Li / Youth Novels / Atlantic
9. Jolie Holland / Living And The Dead / Anti
10. Thao with The Get Down Stay Down / We Brave Bee Stings And All / KRS
Jess Pye, Planetary
1. Portugal. The Man / Censored Colors / Approaching AIRBalloons
2. Ryan Adams & The Cardinals / Cardinology / Lost Highway
3. Cloud Cult / Feel Good Ghosts (Teapartying Through Tornadoes) / Earthology
4. Polar Bear Club / Sometimes Things Just Disappear / Red Leader
5. Bon Iver / For Emma, Forever Ago / Jagjaguwar
6. The Gaslight Anthem / The ’59 Sound / Side One Dummy
7. Kings of Leon / Only by the Night / RCA
8. American Princes / Other People / Yep Roc
9. Damien Jurado / Caught In The Trees / Secretly Canadian
10. Sun Kil Moon / April / Caldo Verde
DJ Short, Planetary
1. Fleet Foxes / Fleet Foxes / Sub Pop
2. Bon Iver / For Emma, Forever Ago / Jagjaguwar
3. Department of Eagles / In Ear Park / 4AD
4. TV On The Radio / Dear Science / Interscope
5. Frightened Rabbit / The Midnight Organ Fight / Fat Cat
6. No Age / Nouns / Sub Pop
7. Wye Oak / If Children / Merge
8. Jay Reatard / Matador Singles / Matador
9. Why? / Alopecia / Anticon
10. Little Joy / Little Joy / Rough Trade
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