Every now and then sprawling through the muck and wankery of bands on myspace you find a gem amidst the slime, a diamond in the rough, a little slice of heaven(enough already). Its rare and rarer still you discover that they possess a gutsy energetic live show and artwork that makes your stomach churn with genius. Today in a series i will try and continue of unknown bands i like i give you Duck Duck Chop.
Coming from Melbourne Australia's weird art music scene but breaking tradition with the swamp/blues/scientists inspired bands that are all to common at venues such as The Tote and Pony, Duck Duck Chop destroy conventional hardcore, post rock and art punk in an explosion of passion and boyhood lusty fury. Although just a two piece their music is big and bold. They possess the deep rooted coolness of DFA 1979 and the passion of ATDI and there live show is crushing and exciting.
They have 7" record (Blood/Final) that I'm sure you could order through their myspace. Title track Blood in a plastic bag is like 7 minutes of math/hardcore fury with touches of Slayer and Converge while B-Side final is dark post punk but almost a pop song with lyrics of longing and drum and guitar interwoven genius. They have a whole parade of shows in Melbourne over the next month, go see them before the become untouchably cool.

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