Vessela took the time to answer the 5 questions SiS always asks:
Hailing from Boston makes us better than all those non-Boston bands because
We can drop down to NYC for a weekend gig in no time at all and still come home to a relatively clean and pretty city for the rest of the week. Besides, it’s a great place to meet people who are NOT from Boston without having to go anywhere.
Name at least three bands that are still around and touring that you’d love to be on a bill with, and think it fits well
Regina Spektor (for the Fluttr Effect acoustic)
Mars Volta
Queens of the Stone Age
Any of Mike Patton’s projects

I personally love the Lizard Lounge for the acoustic show. The full band prefers Middle East downstairs and Paradise.
Are there any genres that influence your music conceptually, rather than sonically? (In that you can’t hear from simply listening to the music, but from getting into the structure or mathematics of the song-writing, etc.)
Late19th – early 20 century classical music for Harmony
Balkan folk music for rhythm
Your favorite local bar to hit up when not doing the whole band deal is
Lizard Lounge by far.
[Myspace] http://www.myspace.com/fluttreffect
Download: "Say Goodbye" by Fluttr Effect [mp3]
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