Miss Fairchild is a pop/funk band consisting of Daddy Wrall (vox/percussion), Schuyler Dunlap (keyboards/guitar/flute), Samuel P. Nice (synth/sampler/sax), Patrick Johnson (bass) and Todd Richard (drums). They met playing in a funk-cover band in high school, and their sound has since evolved into contemporary pop music with the sensibility of mid-70s era R&B.
Their latest record Ooh La La, Sha Sha... was released in September, and they have been described by the Boston Globe as channeling “Sly and the Family Stone and Prince into upbeat retro R&B anthems, guaranteed to swing some hips." Miss Fairchild plays Boston next on Thursday, January 31 at Great Scott, so be sure to stop by and start the next dance revolution.
Sam from Miss Fairchild took a few minutes to answer SiS’s five questions we always ask local bands:
Hailing from Boston, makes us better than all those non-Boston bands because
Boston helps us become better at what we do. Not to dig to hard on the Bean, but the city has a rep for being a bit uptight. The whole objective of our music is to get people to let loose, our driving principle is to "put the K back in Fun." Boston gives us a challenge, (one we have been succeeding at by the way, come to a show!) which helps us feel confident that we can do our thing in any town. It’s funny, because many times after shows people come up to us and say “Boston needs you” as if we are somehow helping the city in an important way, which is fine by us!
Name at least three bands that are still around and touring that you’d love to be on a bill with, and think it fits well
Nikka Costa, Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings, Beck

Great Scott. Great sound, great stage, great crowd, great venue.
Are there any genres that influence your music conceptually, rather than sonically? (In that you can’t hear from simply listening to the music, but from getting into the structure or mathematics of the song-writing, etc.)
Choosing from many, let’s say pop rock. I think we go for very different things in our sound than most groups in this genre , notably our rhythmic feel, but there have been many times during song writing where we’ve asked ourselves WWSRD? (What Would Sugar Ray Do?)
Your favorite local bar to hit up when not doing the whole band deal is
The Enormous Room. And since we’re not big drinkers, honorable mentions go to Simon’s Coffee Shop and Boca Grande on Mass Ave. in Cambridge as prime locations for Miss Fairchild sightings.
[Myspace] http://www.myspace.com/MissFairchild
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