I remember a few years ago being in college, just when I got in to the whole blogger scene so to speak, and being introduced to Takka Takka. Their debut album, We Feel Safer At Night, became a favorite the final fall of my college years that ever since I like to break it out that time of year. While the title track was such an introspective beauty, it was "Coco On The Corner" that was my jam.
So the other day, their new album Migration was in my mailbox and I was so delighted to put it on. The album, produced by Clap Your Hands Say Yeah member Sam Greenhalgh, picks up where NIght left over, yet it, uh, Migrates in new and rather natural directions I would say. Lead singer Gabe Levine says it's all about being where you from and how you got there, but is just as equally about existng in places you don't belong. Nothing wrong with existential questions like that, right? It's an album that is crisp and brisk and be right up their with their last album as the perfect soundtrack for the fall. It should be a part of yours, too.
The band released Migration his week on the Ernest Jenning label, and had their record release show last night in NYC at Pianos. (Random fun fact #77: I saw Takka Takka once. At CMJ 06. At Pianos. Imagine that). Make sure to catch them as they migrate around the eastern portion of the US:
8/7 - Highline Ballroom - New York, NY
9/7 - TT The Bear's - Cambrdige, MA
9/10 - Black Cat - Washington, DC
9/11 - Local 506 - Chapel Hill, NC
Download: "Silence" [mp3] // [Buy Here]